Mazex v0.50a Release

Hello everyone, Mazex v0.50a is ready to download.
Changes for version 0.50a:
- New character Maya.
- New side quest for Maya.
- New hscene with Maya.
- New character - Cow girl.
- Added armor system.
- Added a new tab in the inventory menu.
- Added new items:
- leather
- Rag
- Rag hat
- Rag tunic
- Rag pants
- Leather hat
- Leather tunic
- Leather pants
- Thread Grass
- Added crafting recipes for new items.
- Added ability to upgrade newly added items to lvl 4 after learning recipes.
- Rag and leather can now drop from crates.
- Added item "Plants and Threads Recipe".
- Added item "Basic sewing Recipe".
- Added item "Intermediate sewing Book".
- Added item "Advanced sewing Book".
- Added crafting recipe - Thread.
- Added crafting recipe - rag.
- Improved animation smoothness for zombies.
- Improved stone throwing animations for zombies.
- Added 2 new attack animations for zombies.
- Zombie now turns toward player when attacking.
- Zombies now have a chance to drop rag 15%.
- Changed sounds for zombies, in the old ones there was too much noise.
- Added mini h scene.
- Respawned zombie should no longer hold stone.
- Active waypoint now heals up to 50% hp (e.g. the one in the village)
- Elpidia's wing displacement bug has been fixed.
- Elpidia moves her head a bit more smoothly now.
- Added mini quest for Laryssa, She is no longer available from the beginning.
- Laryssa is now looking at the player.
- Textures in the forge no longer flicker.
- Reworked stamina system.
- Stamina is now displayed more smoothly.
- Changed design of stamina bar.
- Fixed bug causing stamina not to regenerate after exhaustion after a jump.
- Added anemic jump while exhausting stamina.
- Map area expanded: abandoned house under the forest.
- Meadows expanded.
- Added spot with mobs and key.
- Changed terrain a bit in the village.
- The arrangement of Elpidia's garden has been slightly changed.
- Changed spot near village, removed ruins and skeletons.
- Minor changes in the area past the lake.
- Added Maya's house.
- Fixed a bug causing multiple playbacks of the dying sound after death.
- Bow now has its own progress bar when pulling the string.
- Fixed bug of firing an arrow without pulling after changing weapons.
- Added ability to crouch (ctrl) because why not.
- Fixed Maze warrior left shoe.
- Different boob size for Maze warrior (B-E) E cup is the largest that can be drawn and has a lower chance of being drawn,
larger ones do not fit the character.
- Levelup now gives +5hp.
- The amount of hp for mobs depends on the difficulty level set in the options in order easy x0.8 base hp, normal x1 base hp,
hard x1.2 base hp.
- Mobs (zombies, small goblin) have a small chance to respawn with higher level, 6% level 2, 1% level 3, higher level mobs have almost 2 times more hp and hit about half as hard
drop more loot and exp.
- Added random quantity to dropped loot.
- Rebalancing mobs.
- Added compliantly new bugs!
- The hoe is now a bit bigger.
- Fixed bug causing arrows to stop on dropped items.
- River now is slowing the player down and has a sound of stepping on water.
- Fixed a bug that prevented a player from dying after eating poisoned food.
- Rhea no longer activates conversation automatically, you have to use interaction.
- Added ability to remove nearby grass in h scene.
- Fixed a bug that caused attacking with open inventory.
- Attack with insufficient stamina no longer drain stamina.
- Celshading intensity has been slightly changed.
- Added tooltip "disabled in maze" for save game button.
- Added floating damage for enemies and player.
- Bug with esc fixed, you can now close inventory with it.
- Added notification of picked up item.
- No longer need to drag arrows on the hotslot to see the amount, added a counter of arrows in the upper left corner.
- Cheatmenu can now be closed using 'o' or 'esc' keys.
- Added puzzles in the open world.
- Water in the lake has been changed.
- Added lake sound.
- Changed ocean water.
- New mechanics: added notes, can be read, can not be picked up, added some to the game.
- Girls only look at player now when he approaches max 5m.
- Recipes and notes shine for moments when you approach.
- The sound of picking up items has been changed.
- Added sound of crate hitting the ground.
- Added footsteps sounds for skeletons, treeman, small goblin, zombies, Mazewarrior.
- Added sound of sword hitting the ground.
- Added sound when hitting zombies, skeletons, treeman, small goblin, zombies, Mazewarrior.
- Player footsteps sounds changed.
- Added the sound of an arrow being knocked in.
- Added sparks after hitting the shields.
- Added wall of fame.
- Rebalance of mob spawn in maze, less chance of maze warrior, now small goblin and skeleton can spawn.
- Hotslots are saved between levels.
- If there is a difference in save versions there will now be an alert.
- Fixed a bug of lifting objects after a dialogue.
- Added tooltips for items in crafting.
- Added text color of recipes that can be crafted.
- Autosave fixed, now there is a pop up message.
- A bug causing the attack to stutter has been fixed.
- Fixed bug causing zombie stone to stop on sword.
- Fixed a bug causing music to stutter during combat.
- Some minor changes mostly visual.
Get Mazex
Embark a journey as a young adventurer
Status | In development |
Author | Drabel |
Genre | Role Playing |
Tags | 3D, Adult, Erotic, First-Person, Hentai, No AI, NSFW, Open World, Porn |
Languages | English |
Accessibility | Subtitles |
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