Mazex v0.61 Release

Changes for version 0.61:

- New level endplace forest

- New level endplace plains.

- Location changed of first maze key.

- New terrain added, forest extended.

- Extended terrains.

- Added Maze next to the forest.

- Changed color of grass in forest.

- Reduced the amount of shadows in the forest.

- Added new last maze in the forest.

- Mazes now have biomes.

- Added a new environmental puzzle in the open world in the forest, levers.

- Corrected a few places where the grass went through the floor.

- Added more signposts.

- The entrance to the mine was rebuilt.

- Fixed bug unable to pickup the stone, plains, camp.

- Now there are more blue crystals than teleporters it will be easier to find them.

- Added the sound of the lake in the forest.

- Added mazes on minimap.

- Added Keys on minimap.


- Skill condition has a stronger impact related to stamina consumption.

- Active waypoint heal 100% hp now.

- After loading game, MC should no longer fall under the map.

- The minimap has been brightened up a bit.

- The map discovery area has been increased.

- Increased Max level.


- White key is now an item added to eq.

- New item Sulfur.

- New item Oil.

- New item Feather.

- Something new to mine Iron ore.

- Something new to mine gold ore.

- Something new to mine Sulfur ore.

- New item Canola.

- New Book Advanced tools.

- New scroll Oil recipe.

- New scroll Archery.

- New Book enchanted archery.

- New Book adcanced enchanted archery.

- New Book Advanced blacksmith's handbook.

- New Book Blacksmith's handbook.

- New scroll Primitive weapons.

- New item portable teleporter, can be found in docks and forest.

- New recipe coal.

- New recipe iron arrow.

- New recipe gold arrow.

- New recipe poison arrow.

- New recipe precise poison arrow.

- New recipe fire arrow.

- New recipe precise fire arrow.

- New recipe explosive arrow.

- New recipe precise explosive arrow.

- New recipe ice arrow.

- New recipe precise ice arrow.

- New recipe wooden bow.

- New recipe Oil.

- New recipe Pickaxe 2.

- New recipe Pickaxe 3.

- New recipe spiked club.

- New recipe club 2.

- New recipe wooden shield.

- New recipe Iron sword.

- New recipe Iron stylish sword.

- New recipe Iron Shield.

- New recipe Longsword.

- New recipe Golden sword.

- New recipe Golden stylish sword.

- New recipe Golden Shield.

- New recipe Golden Longsword.

- Coal recipe available from the start.

- Stamina potion extended effect duration.


- Rebalance of loot in mazes, loot is different depending on the biome.

- Mobs spawn differently depending on the maze biome.

- New puzzle levers.

- Fixed bug of not turning off some ai during hscenes.

- Fixed bug can no longer open the hud of an active waypoint twice.

- Waypoints are now saved in the save game.

- Fixed the bug of not being able to teleport to the village.

- Added hint system.

- Added the ability to disable hints in settings.

- Added a hint about the mood system.

- Added immediate exit from the maze in cheat table (advanced)

- Added ability to add blue crystal to eq in cheat table.

- Added ability to activate all waypoints in cheat table.

- Added sound and effect after teleporting via waypoint.

- Completed owl puzzles are now saved.

- Fundamental changes in the functioning of variables on the storyline, older saves may not work properly.

- Rework of opening the gates to the mazes.

- Mob spawn rate increased.

- Resource spawn rate increased.

- Added spawns for rabbits and deers in open world.

- Added chicken spawns in open world.

- Added enemy spawns on the beach.

- Fixed bug with the hand appearing during a conversation.

- Fixed a bug of not locking movement during crafting.

- Defeated Rabbits counting added to statistics.

- Defeated Deers counting added to statistics.

- Defeated Red goblins counting added to statistics.

- Fixed bug while crafting rag hat 3.

- Fixed bug reading a note does not make it disappear anymore (only new save)


- Fixed a bug related to Ateniada visibility.

- Maya's skin tones have been slightly changed.

- Maya changed cloths color a bit.

- Cowgirl skin tones have been slightly changed.

- Metchant added eyebrows ^^.

- Metchant height changed.

- Fixed Elpidia flying hair bug.

- The goblins are nerfed a bit, after a few hits they have a ~3 sec break.

- Changed dialogue with Ateniada a bit.

- New enemy(?) Rabbit.

- New enemy(?) Deer.

- New enemy(?) Chicken.

- New character Lydia (unfinished placeholder)

- Reworked Maze warrior fundamentals (needed for brast physics)

- Maze warrior clothes are now getting destroyed.

- Maze warrior added brast physics.

- Goblins are now patrol instead of standing still.

- Goblins sound when taking damage has been changed

- Zombie now poisons mc on attack.

- Skeleton with sword now gives bleedeng.

- Goblins now gives bleedeng.


- Slightly changed design of the gates.

- Fixed gates, no longer pass through walls when opened.

- Walls in the maze, increased bounds, when turning quickly, the wall pop should be less noticeable.

- Several models have been changed.

- Some sounds have been changed.

- One-way teleports have mesh now.


Mazex v0.61 2.8 GB
Nov 29, 2024
Mazex 2.7 GB
Nov 29, 2024

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